This weekend, The Pokémon Company celebrates its annual hosting of the Pokémon World Championships, taking place in Japan for the first time in its two-decade history. Leading up to the much-anticipated event, various announcements regarding Pokémon titles were shared during the latest edition of Pokémon Presents. For the Nintendo Switch, news regarding Pokémon Scarlet and Violet DLC was joined by another Detective Pikachu Returns trailer.
The two-minute showcase is narrated by none other than the coffee-loving Detective Pikachu himself. Various human and Pokémon characters are described throughout, showcasing Pikachu’s partner Tim and Pokémon such as Growlithe who are ready to help aid the duo with their investigations.
Get ready to put your detective hat on as Detective Pikachu Returns is set to debut on October 6 as a Nintendo Switch exclusive. Pre-orders are available now via Nintendo at a price of $50 USD.
For more of the latest gaming news, be sure to check out the latest trailer for the upcoming Persona 5 spinoff game, Persona 5 Tactica.
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