‘I’m dubbed Mrs Christmas after saving £60k on festivities – here’s how you can’

A mum dubbed Mrs Christmas revealed how you can save a fortune on the festive period.

Clair Brading started saving all the way back in January and put up her decorations right after Halloween. The 38-year-old doesn't just help her family, but even her pals too.

The Christmas-mad mum, from Southampton, has assisted over 900 people with Park Christmas Saving with every penny going on Christmas presents, decorations and food.

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Now she's helped people save £61,000. She said: "Christmas is the most important time of the year for me and my family."

She added: "We absolutely love it and plan for our festive celebrations all year long. That's why I love getting ahead with saving nice and early.

"That way I know everything is taken care of financially and we can enjoy ourselves during the most magical time of the year."

Clair achieved this incredible financial feat as a Park Christmas Savings' Agent. The families she helps are all putting money aside with the club.

The mum-of-four encourages them to set realistic savings targets and supports them through the year. Whether it's to reduce or increase payments, Clair's there to help.

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She added: "Being able to help other families save the way we do with Park is a bonus, I love it. Although, I can't quite believe that we've managed to save over £60,000 together!"

Every year without fail Clair puts up her decorations. She does it as she likes to get "at least six weeks out of Christmas". And it's a busy time with all the birthdays around December.

She has her son's birthday on December 22, followed by her brother's on Christmas Day, then her husband's on Boxing Day and her dad's on New Year's Day.

Clair's drive to help people save comes from personal experience after she found herself struggling one Christmas with a newborn baby.

"I had my first son when I was 25, and that year I really struggled because I didn't save," she admitted. "I got in debt and spent all year paying it off."

The mum concluded: "I signed up to Park Christmas Savings to help me plan for the festive season and I and I haven't stopped since – it's been 12 years! Without Park, some of my friends would get loans, get into debt and struggle.

"I know that by doing my bit and helping others to save as well as myself, we're working together to create a fun and festive stress-free Christmas."

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