Cook and butcher share their ‘top tips’ to make ‘perfectly crispy’ bacon

Bacon butties are a classic British breakfast and are the ultimate treat at the weekend, as there is nothing better than waking up to sizzling crispy bacon.

While a bacon sandwich can be cooked up within minutes and is hard to get wrong, there are a few simple ways you can make your bacon even tastier by following some basic guidelines.

Chris Collins, a cook, recipe developer, and bacon expert who runs the comfort food blogs ‘Don’t Go Bacon My Heart’ and ‘Something About Sandwiches’ has shared his ultimate guide to making a bacon butty “the most delicious way.”

According to Chris, using four smoked pieces of bacon is best when making a sandwich as it brings even more flavour.

On his blog, Chris wrote: “Hear me out – remember the bacon shrinks, and four slices means two per side for a square slice of bread.”

He added: “I highly recommend smoked. You’re just missing out on flavour otherwise! Remember, bacon is the only main ingredient here, let it shine!”

When it comes to choosing the best bread for a bacon sandwich, Chris has said it is best to use something simple, but thick and soft white bread will make the best sandwich.

Chris explained: “Save the fancy bread for something else. A bacon sandwich is rough and ready and usually for when you’re hungover. That thick soft white Hovis you’ve got in the cupboards does the job just fine.”

While cooking your delicious sandwich, you can also make yourbacon even crispier by following some simple recipe guidelines. Simon Howie, the famous Scottish butchers, has shared their “top tips” for making “perfectly crispy bacon.”

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In a blog post, Simom Howie recommended taking bacon out of the fridge and leaving it to rest for a little while before cooking, as it will help the bacon become crispier.

They wrote: “Let your bacon sit at room temperature for fifteen minutes or so before you cook it. It will help the fat render more quickly, so it will be crispy and not burnt.”

The butchers have also said it is important to leave room in your frying pan and to not cook too many rashers at once.

They said: “It’s important to give your bacon rashers room to breathe…Space them out evenly to avoid burning and get the perfect balance of caramelised, crispiness!”

While cooking, try to avoid a high heat as well, as bacon is best cooked slowly and on a low heat. The experts explained: “Soon the bacon will begin to release some of its fat. When it starts to buckle and curl, use tongs to loosen the slices and turn each rasher to cook on the other side.”

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