Megan McKenna’s face ravaged by blisters after mum drops boiling gravy on her

TOWIE star Megan McKenna was left with one side of her face covered in blisters after her mum accidentally spilled boiling hot gravy.

Addressing her followers for the first time since the incident occurred, Megan appeared on her Instagram stories to explain what had happened, with blisters and scabs taking up one side of her face. The former reality star appeared to be sitting in her bedroom, wearing an oversized black T-shirt and black joggers, as she spoke to the camera.

Megan started and said: “So before you freak, I’ve had a bit of an accident as you can see.”

Explaining how she ended up with the huge blisters, Megan said: “On the weekend I was at my mum's and we was having dinner and she walked over with a gravy pot and Daisy got underneath her feet and she tripped over Daisy and grabbed the gravy pot, but the gravy inside flopped out and landed on my head.”

“Honestly you can’t even write it”, she told her followers. Megan then drew the attention of viewers to the side of her face as she said: “It’s obviously caught the side of my face. It looks so much better now and it’s in the healing process so it’s a little bit rank.”

Continuing onto a next Instagram story, Megan pulled her ear forward to the camera, revealing a nasty-looking blister as she said: “I’ve got a huge blister behind my ear, my ear literally feels like it is hanging off”.

“But yeah, so obviously after it happened, thank god my mum knew what she was doing, she dragged me over to the sink and she was just spraying me with water for half an hour and honestly if that hadn’t happened, I don’t know what it would have looked like”.

Megan then revealed that she has decided to tell her followers now because it is her birthday in a few days and assumed people would ask her questions and be confused about the blisters on her face when she next posts a picture.

She said: “Obviously I didn’t want you messaging ‘omg what’s happened’, so that’s what’s happened. Absolute nightmare, couldn’t write it but I am on the mend and it’s all good.”

Keeping in good spirits despite the situation, Megan giggled as she said: “I still love gravy”.

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