Chris Hemsworth’s desire to get ‘parents out of debt’ led to stellar career

Chris Hemsworth shares HILARIOUS clip from set of Avengers

Action hero Chris Hemsworth is reportedly just as much of a good guy off-screen as he is on, and he owes his career to it.

The Avengers star turns 40 today and has enjoyed a stellar career, appearing in some of the highest grossing movies in history thanks to his role as Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

However, his motivation for making it to the top wasn’t to achieve the dizzying heights of fame that he has, but rather to help his parents get out of the debt they’d accumulated raising him and his brothers.

He admitted this while promoting Extraction 2 in Madrid recently. When asked about what motivated him, he revealed his reasoning.

“We grew up with no money, very broke. I thought I could make some money here [out of acting] and get my parents out of debt and pay for the house and help friends and family.

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“I think it’s just staying true to yourself and being aware of the constant change. This is my one rule for life, and it will never change that.”

Speaking to Spanish publication El Pais, he also admitted that his parents’ professions had shaped him as a person. His father Craig is a social services counsellor, and mother Leonie is an English tutor.

“My parents worked in child protection for many years… The influence of my parents and what I grew up with in that environment — that motivation was a huge inspiration. We have to put aside our own personal well-being to help others.”

His desire to help his family was what kept him going when he considered quitting acting after his small role in the 2009 film Star Trek.

He told Men’s Health magazine: “I was about to quit. I got more and more anxious, to the point where I couldn’t harness that energy,” he confessed.

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“I always wanted to act, and one of the first things I wanted to do when I got any money was pay my parents’ house off.

“I’d asked dad once when he thought he’d pay it off and he said, ‘Honestly, probably never’. Most people are in that boat and I wanted to change that.”

In 2015, his brother Liam revealed that Chris had achieved that goal.

Speaking to The Independent, he explained that Chris had called his father and told him to look at his bank account.

“He [his father] called my brother Chris back and said: ‘I don’t know how to feel.  Since I left home I have had debts and I thought I’d be paying them off until I died and have this weight hanging over me, and now to have them completely cleared.”

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