{"id":84104,"date":"2023-11-04T22:25:01","date_gmt":"2023-11-04T22:25:01","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/happylifestyleinc.com\/?p=84104"},"modified":"2023-11-04T22:25:01","modified_gmt":"2023-11-04T22:25:01","slug":"nadine-dorries-mp-had-sex-with-prostitute-while-tory-mps-cheered-on","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/happylifestyleinc.com\/lifestyle\/nadine-dorries-mp-had-sex-with-prostitute-while-tory-mps-cheered-on\/","title":{"rendered":"NADINE DORRIES: MP had sex with prostitute while Tory MPs cheered on"},"content":{"rendered":"

MP who had sex with prostitute on a billiard table… while four Tory MPs cheered him on: At any one time there are about 30 MPs behaving in similarly shocking ways – and the shady figures who really control the party don’t hesitate to blackmail them<\/h1>\n

These shocking revelations are from a veteran Tory politician I have been brought to meet in great secrecy as part of my investigation into the corrupt cabal at the heart of the party.<\/p>\n

To protect his identity I will refer to him as Thumper and the equally venerable colleague he was with as Bambi.<\/p>\n

I am slightly in awe given the company I am in. We meet in an old vicarage in a picturesque English village that is so small it surely only warrants the status of a hamlet.\u00a0<\/p>\n

We are served tea in Royal Doulton and homemade shortbread fingers, which look delicious. I sink into the feather upholstery of the sofa. But the conversation is far from cosy.<\/p>\n

Bambi told me of an MP who stored a laptop containing indecent images of children, on behalf of a paedophile relative, and then swore to police he was only keeping it safe.<\/p>\n

And another who keeps a mistress in his expenses-funded accommodation in London during the week, but tootles back to his doting wife every weekend.<\/p>\n


These shocking revelations are from a veteran Tory politician I have been brought to meet in great secrecy as part of my investigation into the corrupt cabal at the heart of the party<\/p>\n

Bambi said: ‘The whips’ office have to rescue MPs from many difficult situations on a regular basis. They have a video of one of the most popular Ministers in Government today being given oral sex by someone who most certainly is not his wife.<\/p>\n

‘Everyone thought he was loyal to Boris, until suddenly he surprised everyone and wasn’t. The thing is, information like this doesn’t always remain in the whips’ office.<\/p>\n

‘Who do you think has that video? Because it certainly isn’t anyone on Team Boris.<\/p>\n

‘One MP was very badly behaved when he arrived at Westminster, indulging in sexual activities with rent boys, things you don’t want to detail in a book that doesn’t carry an age-appropriate warning.<\/p>\n

‘When a video appeared, he turned to the whips’ office to save him, but somehow someone else got their hands on it and has been using it against him ever since. He became one of Boris’s worst critics. It’s blackmail, pure and simple.<\/p>\n

‘And that’s not a one-off. It is extraordinary how many people lived together, slept together and did business together.<\/p>\n

‘Add to that the pillow talk at the Fever-branded sex parties that Dougie Smith \u2013 the shadowy but hugely influential Tory party apparatchik who is employed by Central Office but appears on no staff list \u2013 used to run. They were just orgies with people squirming on beds.<\/p>\n

‘And every one of them was one of us, a Tory. Decisions about the Conservative Party were not even taken at dinner parties, but in beds and in relationship networks.<\/p>\n

‘There is also the element that the gay network has always been strong throughout the party.<\/p>\n

‘I am a big supporter of gay marriage and not passing judgment in any way.<\/p>\n

‘But they were a network thrown together by the necessity for secrecy that functioned behind closed doors, and that was unhealthy.’<\/p>\n

Thumper said: ‘Today we are close to giving Sodom and Gomorrah a run for their money.<\/p>\n

‘At any one time, there are around 30 MPs behaving in the most shocking way and getting into serious trouble that they need help with. That is an extraordinary number, and nothing is done.<\/p>\n

How Boris groping claim fell apart\u00a0<\/h3>\n

Boris has loved well and not always wisely, but he’s not a groper.\u00a0<\/p>\n

But that was the charge brought against him at the start of the 2019 Party Conference.<\/p>\n

He recalls: ‘It was my \ufb01rst one as PM, when we were riding high and pulling away from Corbyn in the polls, and then this very weird story appeared.’<\/p>\n

It was an allegation from political broadcaster Robert Peston’s partner, Charlotte Edwardes, [right, with Peston] that he had groped her at a lunch and simultaneously did the same to the female guest on the other side.\u00a0<\/p>\n

‘It was totally untrue,’ he told me, shaking his head as though still in disbelief.<\/p>\n

I knew that. Boris is not the underhand, bullying type; that’s just not him. I remembered him being totally \ufb02abbergasted by the accusation, which almost ruined that \ufb01rst Conference of his as Prime Minister.\u00a0<\/p>\n

Why was this happening? Why would anyone say that? Why make it up and why at the start of the Conference?<\/p>\n

The groping story ran for the \ufb01rst 24 hours of the event and it was toxic, threatening to derail everything.\u00a0<\/p>\n

It became a sort of MeToo moment, the narrative so expertly managing to tar him as untrustworthy. It was all so tacky.\u00a0<\/p>\n

He issued a statement calling it out as wrong \u2013 because it was.<\/p>\n

Looking back, it’s clear what the master manipulators I have exposed as running the Party for their own interests were doing.<\/p>\n

Boris was building up a head of steam on the eve of an Election in which the Tories would win a stonking majority \u2013 the biggest for 40 years.\u00a0<\/p>\n

So the story was engineered to take the air out of his tyres, to de\ufb02ate him a little.<\/p>\n

It was a vicious attempt to damage Boris \u2013 and the hand of Dominic Cummings, his Downing Street adviser, was all over it.\u00a0<\/p>\n

But then it got out of control and Cummings panicked and went into reverse.<\/p>\n

The second woman in the story also came out and said it wasn’t true \u2013 and that killed it stone dead.\u00a0<\/p>\n

Left with only one source, the media backed off.<\/p>\n

But Cummings was far from the only person out to get Boris.<\/p>\n

Many parts of the media actively wanted him dead.\u00a0<\/p>\n

Someone close to him was sitting next to the editor of the Financial Times at a dinner when he asked her: ‘So what are you up to? What’s your mission in life?’<\/p>\n

To that she replied: ‘To bring down Boris Johnson.’<\/p>\n