{"id":82756,"date":"2023-09-08T15:15:33","date_gmt":"2023-09-08T15:15:33","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/happylifestyleinc.com\/?p=82756"},"modified":"2023-09-08T15:15:33","modified_gmt":"2023-09-08T15:15:33","slug":"passengers-dish-disgusting-new-details-about-that-delta-airlines-diarrhea-blowout-flight","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/happylifestyleinc.com\/celebrities\/passengers-dish-disgusting-new-details-about-that-delta-airlines-diarrhea-blowout-flight\/","title":{"rendered":"Passengers Dish Disgusting New Details About THAT Delta Airlines Diarrhea Blowout Flight!!"},"content":{"rendered":"

The\u00a0Delta Airlines<\/strong> flight that left Atlanta for Barcelona, Spain late last week and was forced to turn around in mid-air and land has gone mega-viral! Now, the social media s**t is seriously hitting the fan!<\/p>\n

If you didn’t take a look when the internet started rumbling about this a few days ago, though, rest easy. There are WAY more new developments coming through right now!<\/p>\n

First, let’s start back at the start. Last Friday, Delta flight DL194<\/strong>\u00a0took off from Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport<\/strong>. It was destined for Barcelona in what should have been about an eight-hour flight. But less than two hours into the trip, the pilots suddenly jumped on the radio with a call for help!<\/p>\n

Per the pilots’ radio transmissions, the plane had suddenly suffered “a biohazard issue” because of “a passenger who\u2019s had diarrhea all the way through the airplane.” Which, like, OMG!!! But ALL<\/em> the way through the airplane?!?!? Well, yes. Now we know the diarrhea was indeed “all the way through the airplane,” as the pilots claimed. That’s because passengers have been coming out of the woodwork in the last couple days to share their stories.<\/p>\n

Over on X (Twitter)<\/strong>, one man named\u00a0John Hurdt<\/strong> tweeted that he and his wife were both on DL194 when it turned around and went back to Atlanta. He tweeted — and the airline itself later confirmed — that ground agents ripped out the plane’s carpeting and replaced it after passengers were taken off the commercial jet:<\/p>\n

“Both my wife and I were on the flight. It was a mess. The pilots made the right decision to turn around. The ground crew ripped out the carpet and put new in. Considering the circumstances, the ground crew did a great job, along the attendants and the pilots.”<\/p>\n

Hurdt isn’t the only one speaking out, either.<\/p>\n

Another X user only identified as\u00a0Dee W<\/strong>\u00a0claimed their “partner was on that flight!”<\/p>\n

In a tweet about it, Dee wrote:<\/p>\n

“My partner was on that flight! It was pretty bad. It was dribbled down the aisle, smelled horrible. The vanilla scented disinfectant used on it only made it smell like vanilla s**t. After the plane landed, it was thoroughly cleaned. They didn\u2019t leave until around 2:30 am.”<\/p>\n


Beyond tweeting, passengers are speaking to the media about the ordeal, too. On Wednesday afternoon, DailyMail.com<\/em>\u00a0published an interview with a DL194 passenger named\u00a0Marie Beals-Basinger<\/strong>. According to Beals-Basinger, who was in first class on the flight and thus seated “away from the mess” in coach, flight attendants went into high gear to solve the situation while still in the sky:<\/p>\n

“We did see Delta crew attendees running back and forth in protective coverings or with gloves. They told us we would have to get off the flight because they had to do a thorough cleaning and replace the carpet.”<\/p>\n

Beals-Basinger and her husband had been flying to Barcelona to catch a cruise that left from the city in far northeast Spain. With the turnaround to Atlanta and the long delay before they were off again, she worried they would miss their cruise:<\/p>\n

“We were worried that we would miss the cruise. We sat at the airport for hours, all of us so exhausted. Finally, we were allowed back on the plane. Delta was very accommodating, they gave continual updates.”<\/p>\n

Amazingly, Beals-Basinger and her husband made it to the cruise, which held up at the port in Barcelona for a few extra hours waiting for them to arrive. Beyond that voyage, though, the Delta passenger sounded far more worried about the woman responsible for the in-flight diarrhea:<\/p>\n

“It was an experience that I hope no one has to go through. I hope the poor woman that had this experience recovers.”<\/p>\n

Seriously. We can’t imagine anybody\u00a0wanting<\/em> to divert a flight over their very public mid-air diarrhea. Hopefully, the passenger involved is OK.<\/p>\n

Other friends and relatives of passengers were able to find the humor in the situation, though. One X user posted a video purportedly taken by a passenger walking along the aisle inside the plane after the diarrhea and the re-arrival in Atlanta.<\/p>\n

As you can see (below), the other aisle in the plane truly looks COATED with the liquid:<\/p>\n

Holy s**t!!!<\/p>\n

Literally tho…<\/p>\n

And in their own statement earlier this week after the incident was made public, Delta Airlines shared this sentiment via a spokesperson:<\/p>\n

“Our teams worked as quickly and safely as possible to thoroughly clean the airplane and get our customers to their final destination. We sincerely apologize to our customers for the delay and inconvenience to their travel plans.”<\/p>\n

You can see more regarding the shocking s**t storm (below):<\/p>\n